Monday, October 09, 2006

hardly strictly bluegrass

It's too bad some people left before Bob Weir. They missed him and Gillian Welch and David Rawlings...and, as he said, a 50,000 part harmony to Dire Wolf and Casey Jones. Yup, it was amazing. Too bad for the party poopers. I'm not naming any names.


Deadman said...

LMAO!! Yeah, shoulda stayed!!!!

irenie said...

Mark left before Bobby and the waybacks?
ayiyi! Oy yoyoy!
Did you see Rabbi Langer roaming thru Speedway Meadow? He was carrying a lulav & etrog with him. I asked him about it and he had me do a sheheckyanu with him. Then I made my hub say one with him, too. Rabbi made Scott put on his (the Rabbi's) fedora before reciting the brucha.
I heart San Francisco!

jams o donnell said...

Wekch and Rawlings are excellent, They really added to Robyn Hitchcock's last album Spooked