Sunday, August 20, 2006

Green wisdom

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time with one of my favorite Greens. Late fifties hippie, miraculously mentally intact considering the ridiculous amount of drug use (had a really bad addiction to cocaine, now just a pothead with the occassional use of psychedelics), was a CO during Viet Nam...everyone knows the story. He now lives on a nice bit of land in the forrest, working his way off the grid. He's been active in the Green Party since for a good amount of it's history in America.

And he's a Zionist.

Still fairly critical of the Israeli government, mind you (though not so critical of the recent Lebanon conflict), but just will never shake off the nice Jewish upbringing. And very much in the closet about it. Anyway, in talking to him about the left's anti-Israel stance and bias against us pro-Israel folks, and he said something that I found very poignant. I'll end with it:

In order for peace to be reached in any situation, we need pro-peace people on both sides.


Deadman said...

CM - I like what little I've seen so far. Thanks for the link, I'll be adding you tomorrow AM.

Did we meet last Saturday at SF's city hall???

charismatic megafauna said...

I was there, yes, but this blog is anonymous. Kinda.

Deadman said...

Feel free to e-mail me sometime if you like. I'll keep it confidential.

Roland Dodds said...

Yep, a good post, and you bring home a good point. It can be very easy to pigeon-hole people into one ideology and assume you know their answers to every question. But thankfully, most of us are more complicated than that.