Friday, July 07, 2006

al awda protest

OK, I'm calm enough to talk about this...

On Tuesday I went to one of the many counterprotests that SF Voice for Israel holds. What was different about this one, as opposed to the ANSWER ones? I directly faced hate.

I've heard the stories, I've seen it on Zombietime...but I've been pretty lucky thusfar. Sure, I've seen some kids trying to cross the street and get at us (one tried so many times that he was finally arrested), I've seen a few signs...but this was pushing my limits.

Truthfully, I put myself in the situation. For awhile, I stood right accross from their front lines...with a police barracade and a few feet of space separating us. An elderly woman making obscene gestures and shouting obscenities. No biggie, she was clearly crazy. Those brainwashed ANSWER kids, with their stupid hats and vests that make them look like traffic crossing guards, chanting stupid slogans like "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Annoying, but whatever. Teens screaming at us in Arabic. Not so bad at first..until you learn what it means. Redemption through blood. The Palestinian flag up front had a fist dripping blood. The young man holding it also had a boy on his shoulders who looked to be 6, smiling along with them. They were filled with hate. When our looks were horrified, their looks were smug. When I asked for peace, they barely responded...and continued with their hateful words. I couldn't stand it. I had to leave the front lines. The most effective thing, truthfully, was talking to people. There were pro-palestine supporters on the other side of the street, separated from the haters...a much more peaceful bunch. They were willing to compromise. I actually knew some from green party business. Nice people. Those I didn't know were interesting to talk to...they were shocked when they figured out that I wasn't a neocon..."but Bush supports Israel?!" Oh, San Francisco, where shallow liberalism in the form of Bush hating replaces the fashion of LA as trendiness.

When I got back, I found out that there were more disturbing chants
Itbakh al Yahood
Kill the Jews

So, it's happening again. Once again, al-Awda organized, same time, same place. Except this time it's right before the al-Awda conference, where haters are shipped in from accross the country. What a bunch of fun! Well, this time, hopefully our tactics will be different. And hopefully I'll be able to ignore the hate.

I don't think anybody reads this blog, but just in case...for those who can make it to San Francisco next Thursday:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Counter Protest Anti-Israel demonstration outside the
Israeli Consulate
Downtown San Francisco, 456 Montgomery Street
Thursday, July 13rd, 4:00PM

On Monday afternoon during rush hour, al-Awda,
A.N.S.W.E.R., MECA, and ISM will demonstrate at the
Israeli Consulate in downtown San Francisco against
Israels actions in Gaza. They call it an assault on
the Palestinian people and claim that Palestinians
are dying. What they fail to mention is that the
raid is in response to a sustained barrage of missiles
from Gaza into Israel and the internationally
condemned kidnapping of a young Israeli soldier by
Hamas militants. The groups sponsoring this
demonstration all demonize Israel as apartheid,
endorse Israels destruction, and refuse to even
acknowledge the violence the Palestinians perpetrated
against Israel that led to Israels defensive actions.

When Israel disengaged from Gaza last year, they
promised that assaults on Israel from Gaza would be
met with harsh response. In line with international
demands, Israel opened border crossings with Gaza when
there were not specific terrorist threats and turned
over the Rafah crossing to the Palestinians with
international observers. Despite this, the Gazan
militant groups, many supported or funded by Hamas,
intensified their rocket attacks into Israel.
Following a prolonged period where Israel exercised
restraint in the face of continuing assaults, Israel
struck back at the militants terrorizing Israel’s
cities and farms near Gaza to put an end to the
assault on its citizens.

San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us will
counter the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voice. We will
bring Israeli and American flags, pro-Israel signs,
and most importantly, the truth to counter the
genocidal hate and lies of the anti-Israel groups.
Our presence at these events has proven highly
effective at countering their message and making sure
that the anti-Israel activists can not push their
propaganda on the public unopposed!

Please bring your noisemakers, shofarim, flags, and signs. As
always, feel free to make your own signs but please no
signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic
group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or
Palestinians. Signs in violation of our policies will
not be allowed.

Demand an end to Palestinian rocket attacks against
Israeli civilians!
Demand Cpl Gilad Shalit be returned home safely!
Demand the Palestinian Authority put an end to terror
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization
of Israel!
Demand the Palestinian Authority and their local
supporters choose peace so that the Palestinian people
can have a future!