Saturday, July 08, 2006

the first step to recovery is admitting your problem

I can't quite figure out why Indymedia is so addictive. There is an element of good, a quest to spread truth. But that often is just an excuse. It's fun when you know people on it, but more fun are the people that you don't know (btw, Tia, I hope you're not offended that I really wanted a bedtime story from TW, not you...). It's so much fun to imagine what they're really like, especially your opponents. Nessie...well, we're on to his trail, and he knows it (hi there, Nessie!) But it's TW who's the most fun, I don't know why. I always wonder what everyone really is old they are, how they act around their friends, their hobbies, marital/relationship status, what they do for a living...why should I care?

Regardless of the reason, you know you have a problem when you're walking back from a friend's place at 8 in the morning, after a fun filled night involving a few good friends, the new pirates movie, a hot tub and guinness...and you think, "wow, I must have missed out on a lot of indymedia talk, better hurry back."

Nevertheless, there's no way I'm quitting.


Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem. I can quit anytime I want to. Really. I can.

TW intrigues me, too. He's an anti-Semite and he's a misogynist, but he writes with a unusual clarity and beauty on environmental issues and because of that I just can't dismiss him.

Once more , from Pirke Arvot
"Who is wise? S/he who learns from everyone".

charismatic megafauna said...

Wow...TW tonight

He said: You hit my button, I'll pound yours right back but with, you know, full male upper body strength.

In reference to you saying that you weren't going to be weak, and you'd be aggressive in debate?

DAMN, I've never seen anyone with so many women issues.

Definitely stick to the fauna!