Tuesday, September 05, 2006

bloody distortion

Two of my housemates are metalheads. I love them, but man do they need to get some taste. Don't get me wrong, I myself listen to a fair bit of Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden...even newer stuff like Metallica and even Isis...but how can that and much grittier variations take over so much of one's repetoire? Distortion is fun...but how could somebody live without the intensity of Comfortably Numb, the warmth of folk rock, the tantalizing movement of Iron & Wine (if you're used to his more passe stuff, get Woman King and listen especially to Evening on the Ground)?

One of them has the nerve to say that rock is even more limited than metal. Just cause we don't have gay wizard music doesn't mean that at least feelings in the different sub-genres aren't wildly different. And then he says that rock doesn't have the complicated intricacies and is too repetitive.

Who the hell cares? It's about what you make of it and how you feel. Some of the most simple riffs and melodies can take you to a place that are just...out of body (and I swear, even though I'm a Green, it's not drugs talking). Even in normal circumstances...it just feels right...the way a good home or a good relationship or a good culinary favorite (garlic bread, anybody?) feels. So take that, technical death metal!

Christ, I just compared relationships to food...great ones to garlic bread. Wow, I wonder what a bad one would be.

Anyway, I get the last laugh. Since I'm moving in first, I get to decorate the place. That means Bob Dylan is in our living room.


Spaghetti Monster said...

Trying to compare music genres is like comparing firearms by shooting them at each other. Everyone gets hurt.

Anonymous said...

"Christ, I just compared relationships to food...great ones to garlic bread. Wow, I wonder what a bad one would be."

Thats easy, Meg. Mango Pickle.

charismatic megafauna said...

Wow, you're right. Eeeeeew...I'm never dating again, I'm too scared of that!

Roland Dodds said...

Relationships are more like a slurpy: they taste great at first, but by the end all you’re left with is some watery slim and a headache.

charismatic megafauna said...

Yup, that's what it looks like. Unfortunately, I've been on my first for a few years now, and it hasn't yet gone sour...I feel like I'm missing out on some great human experience that could provide me with the fuel for some great creativity. I'm waiting!